Beals Elementary School

"Home of the Beals Bees"

Christopher Crowley, Principal
Andrea Faulkingham, Administrative Assistant
24 Mill Pond Road
Beals, ME 04611
Phone: 207-497-5449
Fax: 207-497-2334

Home| About Us|Plus Portal| Menus| Sports | Facebook Page | Principal's Page | Policies

Welcome to the Beals Elementary School!
Our school is located on a scenic island in Downeast Maine. This is the home of a large lobster-fishing fleet where you can watch fishermen hauling their traps and delivering the day's catch at waterside markets. Our community offers spectacular views of the mainland

March and April 2025 Beals Elementary School Events Calendar – Revised 03-24-25
Dates are Subject to Change  -
Please See Our School Facebook Page for Basketball Practice Changes

Mon. 3/24- Pee-Wee Basketball Games -Milbridge @ Beals (Home)
Tues. 3/25 - EDGE 2-4
Wed. 3/26-  DEI Pre-K to 4
Thurs. 3/27 - EDGE 2-4, Pee-Wee Basketball Games -Beals @ Jonesport (Away)
Fri. 3/28 -

Mon. 3/31- Pee-Wee Basketball Games -Cutler @ Beals (Home)
Tues. 4/1 - EDGE 2-4
Wed. 4/2-  DEI Grades 5 to 8, Pee-Wee Basketball Games -Beals @ Milbridge (Away)
Thurs. 4/3 - EDGE 2-4
Fri. 4/4 -

Mon. 4/7- Grand Theater Field Trip Grades 5-8
Tues. 4/8 - EDGE 2-4
Wed. 4/9 - DEI Grades Pre-K to 4, Pee-Wee Basketball Games - Harrington @ Beals (Home)
Thurs. 4/10 - EDGE 2-4
Fri. 4/11-

Mon. 4/14-
Tues. 4/15 - EDGE 2-4
Wed. 4/16 - DEI Grades 5 to 8
Thurs. 4/17 - EDGE 2-4
Fri. 4/18 -

Quick Links
Beals Elementary School Student Handbook for 2024-25 (PDF File) 
2024-25 District School Calendar with Progress Report Dates (PDF File)
March 2025 Lunch Menu (PDF File)
2025 Pee Wee Basketball Schedule Rev. 1 2-25-25 (PDF FILE)

                              Mission Statement
At Beals Elementary School, our goal is to create an environment that fosters a love of learning. Through collaboration, hard work, creativity, and fun, every student will achieve his or her full potential.

Our Core Beliefs and Values:

Student Assessment
The ­­­­­­­­Beals School Department utilizes all assessment data to help inform our practices at the district, school, classroom and individual levels for our students.  Although we encourage students and parents to participate fully in our assessment program, it is important to note that parents/guardians may opt their child out of state testing.  If you are interested in doing so, please reach out to your child's principal to make this request in writing.

ESEA Report Card -Elementary and Secondary Schools Act School Report Card 
The ­­­Elementary And Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires that schools should be able to be compared to each other in terms of academic performance. Please click on the link below to be taken to the Maine Department of Education website to look at Beals Elementary School's ESEA Report Card.
ESEA dashboard:

Civil Rights
In accordance with Federal Civil Rights Laws and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity or sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Last Updated March 24, 2025  (Happy Spring!  :)! )